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Integrative Nutrition

The Integrative Nutrition Dream

At Integrative Nutrition we have a dream. . . of health.

We have a dream that all children around the nation are taught by their families and schools how to eat real food and not junk, so they grow up healthy and strong. That they be provided with the opportunities to choose whole foods over processed items.

We have a dream that we stop polluting and destroying our nation's environment to make processed, chemical-ridden food, and instead start raising and growing our food in a way that enhances and supports the environment as well as promotes health and sustainability for all.

We have a dream that you and your family will have the opportunity overcome persistent health issues through nourishing means, be it fatigue, weight, or more serious concerns, and live in health and balance together.

As we commemorate today the birthday of one of history's great leaders and teachers, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we ask you to look inside and ask yourself. . . what is your dream for the world, for America, for your own and your family's health? What impact do you want to make?

Please share your thoughts about what difference you want to make in 2011, on world issues, in your community, in your family, and in your own life and health.

May we all work tirelessly to make these dreams happen, just as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. showed us the way decades ago.


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