Health Coaching Blog and News | Institute for Integrative Nutrition

Meet Urban Goddess: Amanda Young

Written by Integrative Nutrition | Jun 8, 2024 11:51:05 AM

What were you doing before IIN?

Before IIN I was an actress and a painter and also working as a cocktail waitress to supplement my income.  I was frustrated and feeling like I wasn't fulfilling my true life's mission or accessing all the potential I felt within myself.

What led you to explore IIN's program?

I  knew that I felt called to be a healer in some capacity.  I also knew that I was meant to contribute to a positive shift on the planet.  I just wasn't sure what the right path was for me.  I was personally obsessed with nutrition and healthy eating and cooking.  When I discovered Integrative Nutrition, I felt I had found my home.  Everything that the school seemed to be about just clicked with my spirit.

What happened since you enrolled in IIN's program?

My whole life has changed dramatically for the better since enrolling at IIN.  I honestly can't imagine what my life would be like now if I had not found IIN when I did.

I have found my calling.  I feel genuinely blessed every morning I wake up and excited to start my day and do this work.  I feel so content knowing that I am really contributing in a tangible way to the positive shift taking place in our world.  I have started three businesses and my life is fulfilling in a way I never could have thought possible.

What did you learn at IIN?

It's impossible for me to describe all I learned at IIN in a short space but I will try!  I learned to trust myself and my inner wisdom.  I learned that I really can have the life I have always dreamed of.  I also received all of the guidance and tools to help me actualize a successful health counseling business.  The biggest thing I learned is to "Fit out", as Joshua calls it.  I learned that the less I try to fit in, and the more I embrace the unique qualities that make me me, the more success I will experience in my life.  I have learned that it is ok to stand out and stand up for what I believe in. By doing so, I have stepped into my true power and my destiny.  Such a profound lesson!

What do you love about the school?

I love just about everything bout the school!  I love the holistic approach to learning.  I love the balance of spiritual wisdom, nutritional education, and practical business tools.  I love the community.  The supportive environment.  The feeling of being a part of something really huge and really powerful.

Your studies led you to start a business. What's the name of your business?

I have several businesses that I have created since graduating in 2006.  My health coaching business is called "Urban Goddess Health", my chocolate company is "Urban Goddess Chocolate", and my international retreats for women are called "Urban Goddess Retreats".

What do you love about your work?

I love that I make my own schedule.  I can take a vacation when I want.  I love that I have free afternoons to fit in my yoga classes, lunch with friends.  The flexibility allows me to design a well balanced life so I can truly practice what I teach.  I love that I have a job that gives me the opportunity to be my own boss and express myself creatively.  My work reflects the things that I am interested in and passionate about; women's health, spirituality, the exploration of the divine feminine, and chocolate! But most of all I love that I receive feedback on a regular basis that let's me know that I am making a difference in people's lives.  I am helping people find balance in their own lives, vibrant health and a peaceful spirit.  In turn these people are going out into the world and contributing in a positive way, and through the ripple effect, I see the positive contribution my day to day work is making in the world.  What can be better than that!?

Tell us about your practice.

I have a thriving practice focused primarily on working with women who are ready to step into their true power and live the life they have always dreamed of. My office is located in a yoga center in the Union Square area of New York City. I also have a raw chocolate company, and I lead workshops for women focused on exploring what it means to embrace their inner goddess.

For more about Amanda visit Urban Goddess Chocolate.