Health Coaching Blog and News | Institute for Integrative Nutrition

14 Delicious and Healthy Snack Recipes [Guide]

Written by Integrative Nutrition | Jun 8, 2024 3:13:06 PM

Happy National School Lunch Week! Every fall, this event gives us the chance to celebrate the importance of school lunch programs and build a happier, healthier world. 

As IIN founder Joshua Rosenthal says, “Food changes everything.” What you eat creates your cells, becomes your blood, and influences your thoughts. That’s why making healthy food accessible for our children is so crucial – they are our future! 

Though the current health crisis is serious, there’s also reason to be hopeful. Recent studies show that childhood obesity rates are finally on the decline, largely thanks to efforts to spread awareness and make healthy food available to kids. 

In that spirit, we’re excited to present our Healthy Snack Recipe Guide! It’s packed with 14 delicious recipes that kids (and adults!) will love – all from the kitchens of IIN students and grads. They make it easy to feed your family healthy snacks on-the-go, all year round. 

For all 14 recipes, click here to get the full guide!

Do you have any favorite healthy snacks or tips for feeding kids nourishing food?