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Unconventional Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar

In a recent blog post by Mamavation, an online community catered to moms and disease prevention within the home, founder Leah Segedie opens our eyes to the incredible uses of a basic household staple – apple cider vinegar (ACV).

At Integrative Nutrition, we love ACV for its balancing and detoxifying properties. Drizzled on top of a salad or mixed into a soup, it not only adds both brightness and flavor, but a number of health benefits, too.

​What Segedie highlights in her post is that ACV – in its raw, pure form – can be used in more ways than originally intended. In fact, apple cider vinegar can be used in 25 different ways around the home, all of which are safe, non-toxic, and cost effective uses of this powerful household staple.

Here are several unconventional uses of apple cider vinegar:

  • ACV as a household cleaner: Unlike traditional cleaners that contain harmful chemicals and toxins, raw, unfiltered ACV packs enough punch to clean your countertops and floors from top to bottom. It's also strong enough to rid your home of stubborn, unwanted odors.
  • ACV as a beauty hack: At Integrative Nutrition, we love DIY beauty products! Because of its antibacterial properties, ACV does an amazing job of preventing breakouts and restoring the skin's pH balance. Applied to the underarms, ACV works as a powerful deodorant, without the potentially harmful toxins commonly found in commercial deodorant products.
  • ACV as a healing elixir: It is powerful enough to lower blood sugar levels, slow fat accumulation necessary for weight loss and aid in digestion. When used topically, it can soothe itchy or sunburned skin and even help remove painful warts.

Take a look at all 25 apple cider vinegar hacks here!

At Integrative Nutrition, we’re all for creative, alternative methods of preventing and healing that don’t wreak havoc on the body – like avocado oil for skincare! Who would have thought the same product used to lower cholesterol and clear the sinuses could also be used as a non-toxic cleaner around the house? What’s even more incredible is that apple cider vinegar has been used for alternative purposes throughout history, dating as far back as 400 B.C.!

So the next time you go to mop the floor, or wash your face after a long day, grab a bottle of apple cider vinegar and get scrubbing! Its all-natural, restorative properties make it a “go-to” product in almost any household situation. 

What are some all-natural tips and tricks that you use around your home? Share in the comments below!

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